Nana’s Baby , where you can purchase Great things for baby and read more about the lady, Angela Solomon, CEO/ mompreneur.
Where did you get the idea to start your business?
What made me start Nana's Baby was a concept for toys and clothes after my daughter Madison Mabel was born. I felt that there is a need for both multicultural toys and clothes on the market. Toys and clothes that speak to US as fashion forward moms; socially, politically aware moms.
Why did you choose baby industry?
I chose the baby industry b/c that's where I could make the greatest impact. In our clothes, i think babies/toddler are cutie pies, who are a style staple for fashion. Why not put cute hip hop inspired art meets baby on them? My shirts are light, playful and not to mention as soft as a baby's bottom.
How long have you been in business?
I have been in business since Summer 2006.
For, all the moms out there that are thinking about start their own business, what do you think would be helpful for them to know?
I would like mompreneurs to know that starting a business can be trying at times but its very much worth it if what u do is your passion! I really believe in the clothes I have on the market and toys I will be bringing to market.
What was a fond memory of your grandma, since you said she inspired the name of your company?
I have so many fond memories of my Nana Mabel. I spent summers with her and my grandpa. They were old fashioned, strict but very loving. It was refreshing to look at the slow-ness but pure happiness through their eyes. I remember my Nana telling me stories about her grandfather, who was a freed slave who started a cesspool business in VA so the entrepreneurial spirit is in my blood. I also remember a lot of hugs, kisses, reading stories, holding hands. My grandma was one of the strongest people I ever met, who never bit her tongue. Her famous saying was 'there's nothing to it but to do it.
I thought I was the only one who thought that the clothing available for children now, are styles that are to grown up especially for girls, what's your opinion?
I fully agree with you that the clothes of today for girls look like corner fashion. I really have to go through the racks to pick and choose what is appropriate and what isn't. I have a 12 year old, who is developing and I try to buy things that won't draw looks and stares at her body and really the same for my 4 year old. I want to great clothes that are indicative of yesterday fashion but with today's flair and hip-ness. I really think it's possible!!
Can we get a little peak at what the future holds for us (customers), in the Nana’s baby design world?
I really think global when I think of Nana's Baby. I will have our toys on the markets and evolved into learning toys for older children. I would also like shirts, pants, dresses etc.. that add that "remix on tradition."
Thanks for talking to us here at "B. beautiful, mind, body, spirit.
We Hope for continued success in your business.
Be Blessed.
Are you a WAHM or do you know one the is in the business of Beauty or Fashion, email me at brooks_unlimited@hotmail.com.
Good luck with your business.
My deceased grandmother also inspires me.
Beautiful family. Wonderful interview.
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