~ Thanks Hubby for being there for me ALWAYS.
We were playing around making it fun, he was a little tense cause he wanted to make these great for me.
Sexy moma... Well I try, "Work It," as they say.
Confession: I've Stalled, I have 40 MORE pounds to loose.
...been stalled for the summer when I should have been going strong. But committing right now to "Digging Deep" and getting back to being Focused on the goal at hand.
I made some videos of me exercising, talking about the struggle I still have to being motivated to exercise but I have not uploaded them to my YouTube channel (yet), maybe I will get the courage to do so, just to help motivate someone else. I originally got motivated (to loose the first 40lbs that i lost) through a combination of things one being that I was "tire of being tire." And the other being straight vanity... I had morphed into the "fat dude in the little suit," not a good look. And Youtube played a part too with all the exercise guru's along with people like you and me video taping there journey.
Although I feel much better, unfortunately for me that just isn't enough for these next 40lbs I will shed. PRAYER, PRAYER, PRAYER and meditation is always part of the equation. But for me I need to mix it up so my physical exercises will be concentrating on learning Yoga and also

In my Healthy living, conscious eating struggles I have gained back 5lbs, mainly in my stomach. And although it is only a five pound gain, I have also noticed I am softer, meaning the muscle definition that I had worked for is barely noticeable anymore.
Just two blog posts ago I was rejoicing and now I am putting this out there to confess and "Get Right."
Healthy Conscious Eating and Commiting to DAILY exercise is the only way for me, I declare.
Tracey, you look fabulous and have just motivated me to get back on the treadmill and lose a minimum of 15 lbs.
Your paintings are so vibrant - wonderful! And did you make that jewelry for your daughter? Multi-talented!
Thanks for sharing.
Thank You so Much.
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