Although these flowers are clearly on their last leg (really some are dead), they are all still very inspiring and the neon green, yellow and orange have contributed to the way I am feeling about neon colors. 
While reading a fashion magazine I read that neon is in, this spring in terms of fashion. But I personally never really enjoyed neon colors before but while applying the colors to my back ground in this work, I caught the bug and it made me open up to trying on some neon colored clothing... and I must say the neon pink and orange look pretty good on me.
This is the beginning stages of the above work in progress.
This is what the hair accessories I made for the girls to wear in the family photos looked... I thought they looked great (feathers and felt).
This photo is a full shot of the painting that I mentioned in the previous post, it's another work in progress. I am always working on many things at any given time ( Hair accessories, Paintings, Art Jewelry, Throw pillows: can find my art and accessories for sale at: The Artsy Life Boutique ) and I love working like that this way I never get bored.
Hello here,
Neon in Nature... WoW!!!
Effectively stated and with wonderful timing. Thanks for the great post which consists of superb information.
Thank You
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